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Galen’s Fee Management team is committed to working with families throughout their secondary education journey with us.  We offer a wide range of financial options to families for fee payment based on the individual circumstances for each family.  Our team are available for a confidential conversation about how we can work together to support your family with the financial aspects of enrolment at Galen Catholic College. 

Key contacts:

  • Elisabet Pendavingh – Family Financial Management

2025 Composite fees

Our composite fees are fully inclusive of all costs required for the student’s core curriculum program including tuition, subject costs, camps excursion and IT resources. An annual laptop hire fee is charged separately to enable every student to have a new laptop provided at Year 7 and Year 10. Additional charges are required for optional programs including outdoor education, VET courses, immersions, graduations and formals. For any queries on extra curriculum please contact the fee management team.

Please note that refunds do not apply for non-attendance of compulsory activities.

Laptop Program

A laptop hire fee of $400 per student will be charged annually.  This includes warranty and insurance with families liable for the insurance excess of $150 for any accidental damages that do not fall under warranty.

Payment Options

At Galen Catholic College, we recognise that for many of our families, school fees can represent a significant portion of the family budget and many families would welcome greater flexibility around the management of these payments.

Payment options

Accounts can be paid Annually, Termly, Monthly, Fortnightly or Weekly:

  • In person – EFTPOS
  • Direct Debit
  • Centrepay


Galen Catholic College has proudly partnered with specialist provider, Edstart, to make managing school fee payments easier for our families. Edstart offers an easy, flexible and zero-cost way for parents to pay their school fees in periodic instalments that suit the family budget, with no credit checks.

  • Edstart Plus allows families to spread fee payments into weekly, fortnightly or monthly instalments over the school year, with the ability to choose a preferred day for when payments are made. While we put our resources into guiding and supporting our students in their learning and wellbeing, Edstart are the experts in their field and are best placed to assist our families with flexible school fee payments. 
  • Families wishing to pay their fees in instalments can set up an Edstart Plus account by visiting

For more information about EdStart please refer to the resources below:

Edstart Parent Fact Sheet

Edstart Parent Explainer Video

Payment plans should cover the current year’s fees and any carried over previous balances.  Payment agreements are confirmed in partnership with families and approved by Family Financial Management. The annual fees are due before 31 December of each calendar year.

2025 Periodical Direct Debit Authorisation Form

For Direct Debit form please:
1. Fill in the form
2. Download with your changes
3. Email to 

2025 Centrepay deduction form

Camps Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

CSEF funding is available to all families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents.  Applications are required to be completed and returned to the College with funding credited to family accounts. CSEF helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. Click here to learn more. Please note applications for 2025 close at the end of Term 2.

2025 CSEF Application form

The form only needs to be completed once, unless your circumstances have changed e.g. change of name, CRN or new sibling commenced at Galen.

Financial Hardship and Special Circumstances

The College offers a range of supports to families experiencing financial hardship or where special/difficult circumstances exist. Parents/guardians are invited to contact the Finance Team and make an appointment to discuss supports that the College can offer to assist with financial requirements of School Fees. All details concerning fees and families are strictly confidential. These arrangements are negotiated on an annual basis.

If special circumstances exist, please call (03) 5721 6322 for an appointment or email to discuss your needs. Alternatively, please fill in this form, return it to the office or email it to the above address:

2025 application for fee assistance form